Tailored Pet Names Dev Journal Part 4: Lets Teach the App to Wait for Cloudinary

I got most of the post upload bits done!

  • Model created,

  • states created to store values,

  • attached state to form behavior,

  • finished cloudinary upload logic,

now to finish the logic for uploading the new post to mongoDB

Twitter Post Link: twitter.com/Janetthedev/status/161600757358.. 1:40 AM 路 Jan 19, 2023

I spent a good chunk of time dealing w/ my car insurance (I got rear ended, flipped, and my car was totaled. Though I was very lucky and I walked away unharmed). But I made progress!

馃惗Did some form validation,

馃惗hid the ugly file input field (input is now the image icon),

馃惗clear the image when clicking the x,

馃惗storing URL.createObjectURL in state to preview image

Twitter Post Link: twitter.com/Janetthedev/status/161631185851.. 9:49 PM 路 Jan 19, 2023

Did a small thing, I added a little bit of drop shadow to the x font awesome icon!

That way its still possible to see even if someone uploads a bright image

the x circle icon has a drop shadow now, so its easy to see even against a bright background

  className="max-h-96 object-scale-down mx-auto block"
      className="text-3xl text-yellow-300 mr-2 absolute top-1 right-1 justify-center drop-shadow-md"/>

Twitter Post Link: twitter.com/Janetthedev/status/161634619083.. 12:05 AM 路 Jan 20, 2023

Here's a quick overview of what i've done so far for my 100 hours project! beware theres some glitches 馃槀esp on the add name page rn

Twitter Post Link: twitter.com/Janetthedev/status/161701613212.. 8:27 PM 路 Jan 21, 2023

I'm tired enough I was looking at this for a solid minute going ??? what error?

then I laughed when I realized I basically told JS to do "function function" . Double raiiiiinbow javascript edition 馃寛

const uploadPostToSever = function () => {{
  console.log("hello from callback")

Twitter Post Link: twitter.com/Janetthedev/status/161703077594.. 9:25 PM 路 Jan 21, 2023

Success is mine!! I got my onclick function to run two functions. AND the second one correctly grabs the first one data!

Here i was thinking I had to do .then(), ect, when just doing this works:

const handlePostCreate = () =>

nevermind, once I json.Stringified the object i realized it was coming back as empty. So the second function isn't waiting on the first to finish :(

makes sense, as this isn't a proper callback but hoped it'd be this easy. Oh well!

Figured it out. So in the function that creates the new post, I had it await for cloudinarys message to return so we got the url for the image from cloudinary, and then it continues the rest of the function

const handlePostCreate = async () => {
  if(!desciption) {
    toast.error(`Ruh Roh! A description is required`)

  if (tagList.length==0){
    toast.error(`Ruh Roh! At least one tag is required`)

    await handleImageUpload().then(
      console.log(`hello from callback ${JSON.stringify(image)}`))

when I'm not wiped I'll work on making the actual api for sending the post request ect, but hey its still progress!

ngl i was stressing about how to make it /wait/ and for it to not freak out if the user didn't upload an image, didn't actually end up being too bad

nevermind I spoke too soon 馃ゲ, looks like it ISN'T waiting to get data for that function to run. I have to click it twice for it to work I'm using async await and then so i'm not sure why its not waiting for handleImageUpload() to finish running before the console.log goes off??

console is showing :

hello from callback []

hello from callback "https : / / res. cloudinary .com/adfafasf/image/upload/v167423423947/posts/tfearafioijasf.jpg"

const handlePostCreate = async () => {
  if(!description) {
    toast.error(`Ruh Roh! A description is required`)

    if (tagList.length==0) {toast.error(`Ruh Roh! At least one tag is required`)

    await handleImageUpload().then(console.log(`hello from callback ${JSON.stringify(image)}`)

I've tried both after the function and within a .then() statement 馃ゲ why code won't you just work on the first click please


screenshot of a stackoverflow thread which says anything you want to be waiting until after the f1() executes must be either a inside the f2() function after the await or b executed within a then callback attached to the promise

I thought maybe adding this would work, but no dice 馃槶at this rate might just have to try the 100devs help channel

await handleImageUpload().then(()=> console.log(`hello from callback ${JSON.stingify(image)}`)

Twitter Post Link: twitter.com/Janetthedev/status/161703880921.. 9:57 PM 路 Jan 21, 2023

Alright so I posted this in the 100devs discord but wanted to ask here juuuust in case someone can figure out what I'm doing wrong 馃ゲ

is it maybe correctly waiting for the handleImageUpload function, but since state variables are async maybe the image variable hasn't updated?

This is what I posted on the 100devs discord

Hello all! So I'm trying to let the user upload a post, but the issue i'm having is that the handlePostCreate function isn't waiting for the variable that has the image from cloudinary to update 馃槮

When I click post, the first time I get "Hello from callback []"

But the second time I click it, it works as intended "Hello from callback "https : / / ....."

When the user clicks the post button:

  1. handlePostCreate fires

  2. inside this function, it calls the handleImageUpload function (uploading the attached image to cloudinary). Which places the cloudinary url in the image variable

  3. THEN, the console.log fires with the image variable from state inside of it. Which it does but...it isn't waiting for the image variable to update

I don't think it matters but I'm using nextJS


You need to also await the .json() method as it returns a Promise

You can just use await instead of chaining then on your Promises.

const response = await fetch(...);
const data = await response.json();
let imageFromCloudinary = data.secure_url;


tried that but no luck 馃槮 is it maybe correctly waiting for the handleImageUpload function, but since state variables are async maybe the image variable in state hasn't updated??馃ゴ

const response = await fetch ("https : / / api. cloudinary .com/v1_1/deadfafd/image/upload",{
  method: 'POST'
  body: formData,
const data = await response.json();

let imageFromCloudinary = data.secure_url



Ah I see you are trying to log the image now. Yeah, the state won't have updated yet at that point. After updating your state you can return the image from the function then console.log that.

const response = await fetch(...);
const data = await response.json();
let imageFromCloudinary = data.secure_url;
return imageFromCloudinary;
handleImageToUpload.then((image) => console.log(image))


Thank you a million times over! That was it!!! You saved me hours of fighting with this, thank you thank you 鉂わ笍 I appreciate you so much

A-HA! my hunch was right! shoutout to grifn in 100 devs for being a hero 馃帀 I highlighted what I needed to change

const handleImageUpload = async () =>{

  if (imageToCloudinary!=""){

    const formData= new FormData();

    const response = await fetch ("https : / / api . cloudinary. com/v1_1/afdafasfd/image/upload", {
          method: 'POST',
          body: formData,
    const data = await response.json();

    let imageFromCloudinary = data.secure_url

    return imageFromCloudinary <=== return imageFromCloudinary was the added code that fixed the bug


showing that image upload works

100 devs is the best community i swear 馃槶馃檹i would of been fighting this for HOURS.

here I was trying to create a second function to await, putting a setInterval in that function, ect which wasn't working.

when all I needed to do basically was return the state

Twitter Post Link: twitter.com/Janetthedev/status/161736115561.. 7:18 PM 路 Jan 22, 2023

after lots of debugging:

IT WORKS, my users now have the power to upload new posts!! 馃敟馃敟馃敟

bobs burger character laughing maniacally as fire is behind her only bug i'm noticing if that someone submits a post, it works fine the first time.

But the second time we get an error 馃strange

figured it out! I had the description set to unique: true.

So I had to change it to unique: false and completely delete the original collection from mongoDB

Twitter Post Link: twitter.com/Janetthedev/status/161740145853.. 9:58 PM 路 Jan 22, 2023